Saturday, February 25, 2006

Movie Update

Well I guess this blog needs to be updated. What have I been upto in the past month in the world of cinematic pleasures.
I saw a bunch of movies, went through a kick of movies from Israel.
1. Late Marriage
2. Nina's Tragedies
3. Bonjour Monsieur Shlomi
4. Broken Wings

Late marriage was largely disappointing, once the humor based on ethnicity and geographic locations is taken away, what is left is a validation of biases and conformation.

Nina's tragedies as well as Bonjour Monsieur Shlomi were very enjoyable and laid back. In lots of ways it was like watching some Indian movies, apart from the ethnic and language differences, since post modernity is the common ground for both.

Broken wings was a great movie, with a cool opening track, which I had to download and listen to constantly. The political allegories were unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) lost on me. I saw it for the simple story it represents.
(I guess it also helped that one of the female protagonists reminded me of this girl I had a crush of when I was the same age as the movie character. )

In other movies, saw Match Point, and hated it, because in summary I did not find it to be cohesive or convincing as anything, be it a murder mystery(?), a social climbing movie or a black comedy (and that is not a racial aspersion). Also overlooking Scarlett Johansen's oomph, I am still waiting for that acting talent to come through, I hope she does not turn out to be an 'Anna Kournikova'.

In newer TV series, Grey's Anatomy ROCKS!!!!! Somewhere in between Scrubs and ER/Chicago Hope/Generic Hospital Drama. Can't wait to get done with the stupid GRE so I can watch the second disc of that.

Madagascar is another movie, which I saw sometime in the past, it is a totally relaxed movie. No big shakes, but is pretty funny. And of course all the characters look like the voice talents, which I think is kinda cool, not new but still cool. And Sacha Cohen Rocks as King Julian (" I lyke to move et, move et" Am not entirely sure what is that accent)

'Distant' was a Turkish movie, which was beautiful (in location) and sort of a neat depiction of solitary lives of two people. Overall definitely one for the film festivals.

'Nine Songs' , most sexually explicit movie??? Maybe for an AMC/Regal theater. Overall the movie has this whole artistic entwinement of sex, rock and roll which is supposed to make a statement. The statement was not entirely clear unless you have heard the director talk, read other reviews. So for the uninformed (like me) it is basically a lot of bland sex between two people, whose sexual chemistry is passable at best mixed with 9 songs (8 Rock). Oh and I forgot the interspersion of scenes from Antartica....Brilliant, in'it? At one point, wait at lots of points the music was far far better than the sex (Damn I am growing old).

'Russian Ark' was an interesting movie shot in one complete shot in the Palace in St.Petersburg. Apart from the cinematographic achievement, it does raise some interesting points on 'Europeanization' of Russia....and western art. The story is not important, cause this is not about the story. is about visuals and dialogues.

'The Barbarian Invasion' was an excellent movie from Quebec. It is marketed as a comedy, am not sure if I would call it that, as much as brilliant overview of human relations and human life in the modern world, reflections on death and achievements on one's life. Some of the dialogues are simply thought provoking enuf to pause it and reflect upon. The title of the movie is worth pondering about as well, cause there are references to it, but ultimately it is upto you to decide why it is called so? All I can say is that, it is not just based on the 9/11 attacks. This movie might not be a masterpiece or anything of that sort, but is a thought provoking movie. Socialism, Capitalism, healthcare, history of invasions, violence of human beings, money, labels, reading (or not), drugs.


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